What I did today

Today was a standard Friday employment services. We went over how to improve our resumes, had some practice on follow-up calls and emails, and did some mock-interview practice as a group. In between some of this, I also did some research on how to improve my presence on LinkedIn.

What I did today

Today, I continued my work to catch up on my orientation. Me and Jose went over tickets and the submission process. Afterwards, we went over the tech article presentation process, and the rest of the stuff I missed on the first week. Overall, I would say it was a productive day.

What I did today

Today, I got to work on a Slides project where I created a Conference slide show for the fictitious company, Berkmart. I like to think I did well. In other news, I have learned my teacher will be arriving next week. Huzzah!

What I did today

Today, I spent most of my time listening to the Slides presentations of the other students. Overall, I think they did well. Aside from this, not much happened, as I await my teacher’s arrival tomorrow.