What I Did Today

Today we went over LinkedIn profiles. I managed to finish up my documents in preparation for SJS next week. We also did interview question practice and I tried to integrate experience from CTP training into my answers this time since I will be able to use that going forward. I then said goodbye to the other CTT participants, even though we may still see each other sometimes as I move forward into SJS.

What I Did Today

Today I made some additions to my linkdin account. I feel accomplished because it’s improving the more I work on it. I also did some more interview practice. I was able to provide a better answer to a question I wasn’t able to answer a couple sessions ago. I feel I’m improving in this area as well.

7/26/24 What I did

I worked on setting up my Linked In account. And answered the two interview questions. One regarding why did you leave your last job. The other question was how would your boss and coworkers describe you.